Effects of Recovery From Substance Abuse and Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol addiction and drug abuse cause enduring damage to the addict and the immediate family. Though a comprehensive detoxification program combining clinical protocols with holistic therapies help, its only one side of the coin. Depression in sobriety is the glaring factor to put up with during the process of recovery. In a rehab process, sobriety is the state of abstinence and independence from alcohol consumption or drug abuse. It’s very common during the early stages of abstinence, and the effects are classified as post-acute withdrawal syndrome.
Dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders
Experiencing co-occurring disorders is a common challenge faced by individuals who enter sobriety. In simple words, dual diagnosis is the suffering from mental illness like depression co-occurring with substance abuse problems simultaneously. The individual in recovery will initially feel lost or saddened by life-transforming decisions. The state of sobriety forces a person to engage in a way of life not experienced before. It easily leads the individual to situational depression or even clinical depression. The intensity of sadness experienced, the type of traumatic event or the degree of life-changing situations decides the severity of depression.
It’s also important to note that mistreatment or a lack of proper treatment for depression in recovery stages can lead to a relapse of addiction.
Addressing your feelings and counselling
Depression during sobriety can wash off the joy of recovery and enhance the risk of a relapse. It becomes very vital to recognize the varied symptoms of depression and take action accordingly. Feelings of guilt are common during the depression, including a presumed lack of value in the recovery program. It’s dangerous thinking and prevents the individual from seeking help. Timely and proper treatment can prevent the condition from worsening further.
Counselling is an ongoing process and not something that can be ignored on completion of the program. Continuous counselling helps you stay focused once you return to your everyday life.
The pink cloud phase
It’s easy to get over-confident and think nothing can go wrong once you start doing great. It’s called the “pink cloud phase.” Often, the individual will fail to do what is expected of them to stay on track. This feeling of not requiring help anymore can often be short-lived and crash down. After this, the individual becomes more vulnerable to depression and gives into temptations.
Dealing with depression during the stages of early sobriety
Boredom can set in easily during the recovery stages since the habit that took a significant portion of their time is absent. You can go blank and even depressed thinking what to do during your free time. Pursuing new hobbies and going on excursions are great options to bring back the vigor. It’s also important to pause and take rest regularly. Practicing mindful meditation is an exceptional way to to relax the mind and body.