How can teeth whitening treatment help you have a beautiful smile?
Tooth color is one of the most crucial factors for those who want a beautiful smile. A dentist needs to identify the tooth discoloration type and the causes before he starts any treatments. Without finding the leading cause, the treatment may be temporary and unstable, and ultimately the patient doesn’t get the desired result. Numerous treatments are performed to improve the teeth color, such as teeth whitening or bleaching, ceramic laminates, composite veneers, etc. Cosmetic dentists provide you with the best teeth whitening services to improve your smile.
Teeth bleaching
Teeth whitening or bleaching is a treatment that removes the pigments on your teeth that made them look unhealthy. Even some genetic discoloration can be removed by teeth whitening. Aging, eating habits and daily habits such as smoking can also cause teeth discoloration.
What causes tooth discoloration?
Teeth color dramatically influences your appearance. Since some discoloration type responds better to the bleaching process than others, the cause should be carefully evaluated to get the desired result. External factors that can cause teeth discoloration include colors in foods and beverages such as tea, coffee, and food additives. Other factors are cigarettes and tobacco, which change the teeth color deeply in the long run. Another reason could be poor oral hygiene, which causes plaque build-up on the teeth.
External factors are usually can be removed by conventional brushing. But as the problem progresses, teeth become darker and more stable, and the whitening process requires more sophisticated techniques. In general, bleaching has a more long-lasting effect on external discoloration, mainly caused by tea, coffee, and cigarettes. When the teeth are forming, their color may change because of exposure to excess fluoride or tetracycline antibiotics. Tooth decay may be another reason for internal discoloration.
What happens to the teeth after the whitening process?
After bleaching, teeth will take back their natural color. So after diagnosing the discoloration reason, the patients should discuss their wishes and expectations with the dentist. Some patients may expect a whiter tooth series than the natural ones, and bleaching will disappoint them. In that case, the ceramic laminate or composite veneer can be considered if needed. But if you only look for original teeth color, bleaching can be an excellent option.
Does bleaching damage teeth?
Bleaching agents typically do not harm the teeth because their chemicals do not affect the teeth mineral structure. However, in some non-standard bleaching cases, the material is acidified, and it is the acidic PH that harms the enamel.
Dental allergies may appear after using bleaching agents depending on the substance concentration and its use duration. If this allergy develops, it usually lasts only one or more days, and then it will be manageable.
How long does tooth bleaching last?
The bleaching results are not permanent and will fade over time. Bleaching results usually last one to three years, although some patients often report longer-lasting results.
How can the bleaching result maintain for a more extended period?
Avoiding foods and habits that cause teeth discoloration would help a lot. Also, proper oral hygiene and using toothbrushes and dental floss regularly and daily is beneficial.
Regular bleaching treatment, both at home and in the dental office, can help maintain this result for a longer time.