Contraceptive pill – General Information and its types
Around 100 million women use contraceptive pills worldwide, according to estimates. In the United Kingdom alone, the number is estimated to be around 3.5 million, or approximately one in every three females of reproductive age. It is still regarded as a sensational topic, and the media often questions about its safety of its continuous use. Even though the contraceptive pill has been around for more than 50 years. Despite the abundance of negative information about the pill, its success and efficacy for women seem to overcome any minor risks listed.
Although the pill is considered healthy, some women who take it have reported severe side effects. According to a new study, women who take the syeda contraceptive pill have a 12 percent lower risk of developing cancer. It’s also worth noting that breast cancer numbers for those who have taken the drug and those who haven’t are the same. Previous health records, as well as patients receiving treatment for a recent illness, could make the medication unsuitable for use. There is now a small number of pills that all do the same thing; the beauty is that, depending on the patient’s previous health, a pill may be administered that is best suited to them as a person.
Different Types of Contraceptive pill:
Today, there are three types of contraceptive pills available. All three types of pills work to avoid pregnancy. Of course, prevention is better than cure, and using either of these contraceptive pills will help you avoid the problems that might arise if you get pregnant later.
- The first form of syeda contraceptive pill on the market contains progestin hormone, which can minimize the risk of pregnancy by up to 88 percent. The progestogen-only pill, or POP, is referred to as the mini pill. When used as an emergency contraceptive, these pills have a lower risk of having side effects.
- Extended-Cycle Pills are the second form of a pill. These contraceptives prevent pregnancy and limit your time to once every three months. It will stop your cycles for some time, but you must take it every day for that period, without missing a single dose.
- The combined pills are the third kind. These contain the hormones estrogen and progestogen in a synthetic form. The majority of combined pill packs are 21 or 28 days long. All of them are involved with a 21-day kit. For the last seven days of the cycle, you don’t take any of them. Monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic combined pills are available in three distinct phase forms.